Transitials | Success Stories
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Success Stories

Mr. Abutt Nelson Muksor
CEO, Jowai Co-operative Urban Bank

The Bank had been functioning in the traditional way and was looking for an HR Consultant to create an HR function and all the related activities in building an organization structure from scratch. After many rounds of engagements with team Transitials, the management felt confident enough to entrust the work to them. The bank was taking a big risk as this project was completely new to the bank and Transitials is relatively new in the business. 


The management however felt that this was the best time to engage Transitials in the transformation project.


Transitials’ hands on approach impressed us from day one. They engaged with every employee at a personal level to understand the current position of the bank and how to help the bank improve its functioning. They sincerely undertook to understand the prevalent structure and made their recommendations according to the needs of the bank. They were able to provide the bank with an Organization Structure, set up the HR function and improved the various employee-related policies


The bank doesn’t have qualified or trained HR resources. However, Transitials took it upon themselves to train the bank’s HR employees in understanding and implementing all the nuances of the HR function. The bank, for the first time, has a well-defined Organization Structure, with clearly defined job description for each role and a well-defined reporting structure. This has enabled the bank to streamline the way it works and has given employees well-defined responsibilities and accountability


 While Transitials team is thoroughly professional, what stands out is their empathy, patience and their ability to understand and appreciate the nuances of the local culture and implement those in their recommendations.